
Friday, January 1, 2010

okay, I give in.

Wow, another travel blog. Wonder why this hasn't been done before..
I resisted creating a blog about my travels mostly because I don't think more than 3 people will bother reading it, as I have almost never read blogs even of my good friends. And also they are usually boring. Then I started to realize how much stuff was probably getting lost, as pictures can only tell part of the story, and in person no one really wants to hear about other people's travels nearly as much as they think they should. I have already been gone for a month so a linear story about everything up to now would be about the longest, most boring thing you could imagine.So I'm going to keep this one as short and different as I know how, by dividing things into categories. I truly love lists.
Places I've gone: Thailand- Koh Tao, Koh Phangan, Bangkok, Kanchanaburi, Chiang Mai, Pai, Chiang Rai. Laos- Huay Xai, Pak Beng, Luang Prabang(I am here now).
Things I've seen: waterfalls, markets, beaches, oceans, rivers, mountains, huts, motorbikes, tuk-tuks, bare feet, monks, sunsets, backpackers, maps.
Things I've done: rode some scooters, walked, ran, swam, ate, lay in the sun, cooked, read, listened, talked, wrote, explored.
Things I've felt: excited, content, frustrated, tired, restless, nervous, relieved, sick, hot, cold, confident, unsure, lost, happy.
People I've met: people from Holland, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Israel, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Argentina, Spain, France, and the United States(but not many). And many more places.
Things you might want to know: people ALWAYS think I'm from England, unless the person guessing is English, in which case they know right away that I'm American. I have hardly been alone this entire time. There are travelers EVERYWHERE. There is nothing scary or particularly difficult about anything I'm doing. There is so much tourism in Southeast Asia that a LOT of people speak English. I am living cheaply but somehow spending a little more than I thought I would (something around $28 per day, averaging everything together). Guesthouses are usually around 5-10 dollars. Meals are almost always cheap, but they push it a bit more on beer and other alcoholic drinks. I don't have a very clear itinerary-and there is no reason to have one-but somehow I will make it to Vang Vieng in Laos and hit up Vietnam at least briefly before I have to show up at APCA (assistance for poor children association) in Cambodia to live for two months to teach English to kids there.

I miss everyone but I am having a fabulous time. Please comment back on here or write me an e-mail at I would love to hear what is going on with you. I shall post again soon.


  1. Kickass! Keep them coming when you find the time. Looking forward to more vicarious traveling!

  2. I told you we would be here! Keep up the good work!!!

  3. Hi Jessica! I like your blog! My sister-in-law is from Malaysia so I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences near there!

  4. Ah! I love you! Keep living the dream!

  5. Jessica! I am very excited about this blog! I will read everything you post. AHHAHAHAHAH.

  6. i'm so pleased. i love reading about your travels and living vicariously through you. i'm seriously stoked about doing it myself.... maybe not asia, but definitely europe.
